Sunday 20 September 2015

Create Android Apps to Control Arduino


In this tutorial i use:
-Arduino board
-HC06 Bluetooth Receiver
-Jumper cables

In this video i use Google Chrome browser to create the APK.
Before you start creating an application for android you need to go this website

Click on the "Create apps!" at top  right.

Start Create App Now!

and log in with your gmail to create an account.
Then watch this video for the next step.

i recommend watch this video on youtube for better quality:

After you finished create and install the apps on your android, wire up HC06, LED, and Arduino like this.

Dont forget to connect 5V and Gnd pin from Arduino to breadboard!

Then copy and paste this Arduino Code and upload to your Arduino board!
Or you can directly download the code here  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Download Code
Its very simple code. Modify the code if you want!

Remember! Disconnect jumper cables at TX and RX pin on Arduino board when you upload the code!

Now you ready test the code and apps together!

First turn on your device's bluetooth.Pair your device's bluetooth connection with HC06. If it request the pin number, the pin is 1234. Your need to do this for the first you connect your android and HC06

Second, open the apps that you have installed on your android, and
click on "Select Bluetooth Client"

Now you can see the bluetooth client named "HC06"

Click on it to connect with your Arduino board

 Now your android connected to your Arduino board,
You can see the "Connected To Arduino" on your screen

How your app? running smooth?
You can try this apps that i've make to control the blender. You can download the APK and Arduino code. Go to the bottom of this page and you can see "Download Link". Its work perfectly on my ASUS T00K.



To handle high voltage/current you need a RELAY to seperate them. Arduino just can handle 5v voltage.
With relay you can separate high current and high voltage. This can avoid your Arduino from toasted!

You need a relay 5V 220V.
Its stand for 5V input,  220V output.
The coil of relay need 5vdc to switch from normally close state(NC)  to  normally open(NO) state.

this type of relay that you can use:

In my case, i use this relay. It can triggered at 5vdc but need 9vdc power supply.
i bought this at Kytron, Seksyen15, Shah Alam, Malaysia.

Your circuit become easier if youre using relay module.

Here my another simple projects that i've use MIT Inventor and HC06 Bluetooth Receiver.
I will make a tutorial for this project later :D

Another project. Tutorial already posted on my blog

Download Link

Arduino Code:

-LED Controller

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